When an external force, such as a bump, blow or jolt to the head injures the brain, that injury can have severe consequences. While some people recover from a traumatic brain injury (TBI), the injury can be life-changing for others. What should you know about the...
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Symptoms of traumatic brain injury
Car accidents are traumatic, even the low-speed ones. One problem that often goes unaddressed or unnoticed in the immediate hours or days after a motor vehicle accident is traumatic brain injury. TBIs can have significant and enduring effects on health and lifestyle...
The long road to recovery after suffering a TBI in a car accident
Although most car accidents are minor, with only minor injuries or even no injuries involved, the fact remains that some car accidents, truck accidents or even mass transit accidents can leave victims suffering from severe, catastrophically life-altering injuries....
How can a TBI affect you?
Head injuries are not something to overlook. Whether it occurs on the football field or on the road in a crash, you must take these injuries seriously. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) frequently have delayed symptoms, but it is important to be on the lookout for these...
What treatments are available for traumatic brain injury?
Traumatic brain injuries are sneaky and frightening. They're sneaky because they can go undetected, growing more and more dangerous before they become apparent even to the injured person. They're frightening because their symptoms can change a person's whole life --...
Cuando una lesión cerebral limita la calidad de vida de la víctima para siempre
Todos sabemos que un accidente automovilístico puede ser física y financieramente devastador. Pero vale la pena explorar los efectos específicos que una lesión cerebral puede tener en la vida de una víctima, y por qué estos tipos de lesiones son mucho más graves que...
State pays $2.75 million to settle negligence suit
For years, a stretch of Washington State Highway 522 between Paradise Lake Road and the Snohomish River Bridge has been referred to as the “highway of death” due to the unusual number of accidents that have occurred on that stretch of road. As if to underscore that...
Las posibles consecuencias de trauma al cerebro en un choque
Los accidentes automovilísticos suceden con una variedad de severidades. La mayoría de las veces, un choque es solo una inconveniencia, sin lesiones graves. Pero de vez en cuando, resulta una herida tan grave que la vida de la persona cambia para siempre. Accidentes...
Tackle football and TBI remains a prominent concern
Traumatic brain injury from an accident can cause a litany of physical, emotional and mental problems for Washington State residents who are unfortunate enough to suffer from it. Often, these occur in auto accidents, work accidents and from falls. However, certain...
Personality changes and the devastating consequences of a TBI
Individuals often only have a nebulous understanding of what challenges follow a traumatic brain injury (TBI). From blurred vision and persistent headaches to trouble sleeping and memory challenges, victims often struggle through a broad range of symptoms....