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One specific road in Seattle is the city’s riskiest

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2022 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents, Car Accidents, Fatal Crashes, Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Seattle residents are undoubtedly aware that the roads are getting increasingly more dangerous. With the number of drivers who are ignoring basic rules for speed and safety, people are injured and lose their lives in auto accidents with troubling regularity.

Even if they adhere to all of the fundamentals, there is still a chance they will be involved in a crash. It can happen at any time of the day and on any road. Still, there are certain roads that are riskier than others. A recently released study shows that one avenue is the worst in the city.

Researchers say Aurora Avenue North has the highest rate of fatal collisions

According to the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Aurora Avenue North accounted for 17% of fatalities in the city from 2015 through 2019. From the end of the study to the most recent numbers, there were another eight people who lost their lives on that avenue.

Pedestrians were especially vulnerable to death. Although 5% of the accidents involved pedestrians during the years that were studied, they accounted for half the deaths. Of the eight deaths from the start of 2020, six were pedestrians. The most vulnerable to injuries and death were those not in a vehicle—pedestrians and bicyclists. There were 45 accidents in which 88 people suffered injuries. More than half of the accidents occurred at intersections.

There are some parts of the avenue that do not have sidewalks and this is believed to contribute to the number of accidents where people are hurt. Because some blocks on the avenue tend to be long and do not have stop signs, lights and crosswalks for extended distances, people are increasingly vulnerable to speeding drivers. Plans are being considered to improve safety, part of which will be dedicated to better pathways for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Auto accidents and their aftermath must be assessed to decide how to move forward

While this study shows that Aurora Avenue North is statistically one of the most problematic areas in Seattle, accidents can happen anywhere for a variety of reasons. Whether it is a driver who was distracted, under the influence, speeding or behaving recklessly in general, those who were hurt must be fully aware of what they might face.

Medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, the need for 24/7 care, the impact on loved ones and more will all come to the forefront. After auto accidents, it is vital to have assistance with gathering evidence and knowing the proper steps to recover compensation for all that was lost in the present and will be in the future. Discussing the case with experienced professionals may be imperative.

