A wrong-way driver who collided into another car in downtown Seattle this morning is in critical condition, according to news reports. This is the eighth car accident caused by this type of wrong-way driving in Western Washington state since Christmas.
Today’s crash involved a 21-year-old man, of Kenmore, Washington, who was driving the wrong way near the I-5 interchange when he crashed into another car head-on. The driver of the other car did not seem to suffer serious injuries, according to news reports.
In the past several months, 14 people have been injuries and one person has been killed in the string of wrong-way car accidents in the area. Several of these accidents involved alcohol and alcohol may have been a factor in today’s crash as well.
This type of reckless driving seems to be inexcusable. There is very rarely a plausible and excusable reason to drive the wrong way down the road. It is extremely dangerous not only for the wrong-way driver, but also for everyone else on and around the road that has a reasonable expectation that traffic will be going in the correct direction. The Washington State Patrol said there seems to be no reason for this recent dangerous trend, but hopefully it will come to a swift halt.
These wrong-way drivers likely face criminal charges for their driving, and many of them also face personal injury litigation. Personal injury litigation is a way for those who are injured in car accidents due to the negligence of others to obtain compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.
Source: MyNorthwest.com, “Alcohol may be a factor in wrong-way crash on I-5,” Chris Sullivan, March 3, 2012