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Reasons to travel on Seattle’s buses

On Behalf of | Jun 11, 2020 | Bus Accidents |

There are many reasons to hop on a bus in Seattle rather than drive your car. You can save hassle in the morning by putting your kids on the school bus. You can take the Metro to work and catch up on some reading along the way. You can even use the interstate coach system to visit relatives and catch up on sleep during the journey. Traveling by bus can save you time and money and reduce your carbon footprint, too.

Another advantage of buses is that they are a safe form of transport. Just 43 bus passengers were killed during 2019, across the whole country, according to statistics from the United States Department of Transportation (USDT). Contrast that with 12,775 car passengers and 857 cyclists. Even air travel is more dangerous, with 394 deaths. Only rail travel is safer than bus travel.

The number of people injured in bus crashes is again relatively low in comparison to other forms of transport. 2017 data from the Federal Motor Safety Administration (FMSA) shows a mere 25,000 of the 2,548,000 injured in passenger vehicles were bus passengers.

That said, you could still be unlucky. You do not need to be riding a bus to be injured by one: A coach can hit pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles. If you do suffer injuries caused by a bus it can be challenging to know where to begin; do you claim against the driver, the bus company or even the local authorities?

A Seattle attorney who deals with bus accidents can help you claim the compensation you need.

