Congratulations! You’ve hired a lawyer
Thank you for signing up! You now have a lawyer and a whole team to help you navigate your claim. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you have at any point in your case. If you haven’t already spoken to your lawyer and case manager, you will do so soon. Until then, please watch the video below to learn more:
Now, there’s a couple things that you need to know during this process. First, if you haven’t already done so, please fill out your intake paperwork and get it to your case manager as soon as possible. And let us know if you change doctors or you change your medical treatment at any point during the process of your case.
Second, if any attorney or insurance company calls you and wants to talk to you, just let them know you’re already represented by the Dubin Law Group and have them talk to us. You shouldn’t have to worry about dealing with insurance companies or billing offices or anything like that. That’s why you hire a lawyer.
Finally, if you have any questions or concerns during this process, please don’t hesitate to call your attorney or case manager. We’re here to make this process easier for you, and to help you get the best possible outcome.
Again, congratulations on hiring the Dubin Law Group. We’re looking forward to working with you and bringing your case to a successful resolution.