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The influence of urban planning on motor vehicle accident rates

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2025 | Car Accidents |

Urban planning plays a key role in shaping the safety and flow of our roads. In Seattle, road design significantly affects car crash rates. By knowing how various parts of urban planning influence these rates, you can better understand the importance of thoughtful urban planning.  

Street design and traffic flow

One central way urban planning affects crash rates is through street design. Well-made streets can cut traffic jams and improve traffic flow, lowering the chance of crashes. While Seattle’s Vision Zero plan aims to end traffic deaths and horrific injuries by 2030, this ambitious plan is still in progress.  

Key parts of urban planning

Several parts of urban planning help make streets safer:  

  • Road geometry: Well-designed crossroads and roundabouts can cut conflict points and lower the chances of crashes.  
  • Speed reduction measures: Speed bumps, raised crosswalks, and curb extensions help slow down traffic, making streets safer for all.  
  • Walking and biking paths: Special bike lanes and walking paths separate people from cars, reducing the risk of crashes.  
  • Streetlights: Good lighting helps drivers see better at night, allowing them to spot people walking, biking, and other cars more clearly.  

Using these parts in urban planning makes Seattle a safer place for all road users. On the other hand, poorly designed plans can lead to tragic accidents. 

Seeking compensation

Urban planning significantly affects car crash rates in Seattle. Knowing these factors can help determine whether you can recover compensation from road designers for poorly planned roads.  

Consider talking to a lawyer if you have further questions or need legal help related to traffic events or motor vehicle accidents.

