Walking around Seattle can be both enjoyable and healthy, but knowing your rights to stay safe is crucial. Whether commuting to work, enjoying a stroll or running errands, understanding pedestrian laws can help you avoid accidents and ensure your safety.
Pedestrian rights
In Seattle, pedestrians have the right of way in several situations. You always have the right of way on sidewalks and crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked. At intersections, drivers must stop to allow you to cross. Drivers must stop for pedestrians at nearly all intersections, even if there is no painted crosswalk, because the law treats these intersections as legal pedestrian crossings.
Traffic signals and control devices
Obedience to all traffic signals and control devices is recommended unless a police officer directs you otherwise. Also, pause at crossings until the walk sign appears and avoid crossing when the light is red. Following these rules helps ensure your safety and the smooth flow of traffic.
Sidewalks and roadways
When sidewalks are available, you must use them. If there are no sidewalks, walk on the left side of the roadway or its shoulder, facing oncoming traffic. This positioning allows you to see approaching vehicles and react if necessary.
Moving into traffic
You should never suddenly leave a curb and move into traffic in a way that makes it impossible for a driver to stop. Always make sure it is safe before stepping onto the road.
Drivers’ responsibilities
Seattle drivers must exercise due care to avoid colliding with pedestrians. This includes giving a warning by sounding the horn when necessary and stopping at intersections to allow pedestrians to cross. Additionally, drivers must take all the required precautions to avoid injuring pedestrians using a white cane, service animal or wheelchair.
Staying safe as a pedestrian
Understanding and exercising your pedestrian rights can significantly enhance your safety while walking in Seattle. Following these guidelines and being aware of your surroundings can help create a safer environment for everyone. However, even with all these precautions, you can still get involved in an accident because other people might not be as careful as you. Consider reaching out to a lawyer to protect your rights in these situations.