SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WA — A teenage driver was hospitalized late Friday morning after a high-speed rollover collision on State Route 99 near Lynnwood, according to Shoreline Area News.
The crash happened on a stretch of SR-99 at 190th Place Southwest, in front of Costco Business Center. It was first reported at around 11:00 a.m.
Officials said the teen was driving at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour when they lost control of their vehicle. The car knocked down two utility poles and a fire hydrant before it flipped upside-down along the side of the roadway.
Fire crews had to perform a rescue extrication to remove the driver from the wreckage. The patient was then rushed to Seattle’s Harborview Medical Center, where their condition remains undisclosed.
A section of SR-99 was shut down in both directions for about three hours as first responders worked the scene.
Due to damage to the power poles, a number of nearby Snohomish County PUD customers lost power. The broken hydrant also impacted water service in the area.
Have you or someone you love been hurt in a recent crash due to the negligence of another driver? Your family may be owed compensation for the personal and financial burdens suffered. The Seattle car accident attorneys at Dubin Law Group are personally motivated in helping families like yours get the money they deserve. Connect with us today at 206-462-4428 or online to schedule a free consultation.