Here to Help You Get Life Back On Track

Join us in supporting the Brain Injury Alliance

On Behalf of | Apr 22, 2019 | Community Outreach, Traumatic Brain Injuries |

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Occasionally I am called upon to meet an injured person in his hospital bed. These people are usually pretty banged up. They may have recently undergone surgery and they are probably on heavy doses of narcotics. Hopefully they are surrounded by family and friends who can provide necessary support following a catastrophic injury.

In every case, I lead with the question “did you suffer a brain injury?” I ask because bones heal, but traumatic brain injuries often last a lifetime.

Worse, the effects of brain injuries are often invisible, making them more frustrating for the injured person and for his family. Brain injuries are among the most devastating and misunderstood injuries I see in my work.

That is why all of us at the Dubin Law Group are so happy to be sponsoring (for the fifth consecutive year)  the Brain Injury Alliance of Washington’s Walk, Run & Roll to support brain injury survivors and their families. This event is a great way for us to give back to the community, and to express our gratitude to the BIAWA for the great work they do in providing advocacy and support to those who have suffered brain injuries and those who love them.

Come join us on Saturday, April 27 at the Green Lake Community Center and get a free Dubin Law Group t-shirt, sporting our new logo. Registration is at 9am and the event begins at 10am.

“Get moving for a good cause and help us break the silence of brain injury!

