It has been my professional mission to educate consumers on the car insurance claims process. It is truly disturbing to me how many injured people walk into my office knowing nothing about their rights, their insurance coverage, or how to deal with an insurance company. For years I was limited to educating my clients on the process. Finally in 2015 I published my book, “Maximizing Your Injury Claim: Simple Steps to Protect Your Family After an Accident.” This was intended to be a compassionate guide to help people understand car insurance and the injury claims process in order to protect themselves and their families.
When I was writing my book, I had no idea how well it would be received. It turns out that people really want to know how to protect their families in the event of an injury-causing accident. This is stuff they don’t teach in school, and frankly most people don’t realize what they need to know until it’s too late. The first printing of my book sold out fast, and the feedback has been incredible. People have thanked me for helping them understand car insurance before they needed it. They have thanked me for teaching what to do at the scene of an accident. They have thanked me for sharing my own personal experience of being injured in a car accident.

My one regret after publication of the book was the subtitle: “Simple Steps to Protect Your Family After an Accident.” More than once I tried to offer a copy of my book to someone who responded with: “But I haven’t been in a car accident so I don’t need your book.” How wrong they were. The first third of the book is all about the different kinds of insurance coverage available, and how to make sure you have the right insurance to protect yourself and your family in the event of a collision. After that there is an in-depth discussion of what happens immediately following a collision, including common mistakes that can damage your claim as well as things you definitely should do following a crash. If you wait until after you are involved in a motor vehicle accident to read this book it will likely be too late.
I am proud to announce the second printing of my book with the revised subtitle: “Simple Steps to Protect Your Family After and Before an Accident. I believe this new title accurately reflects the intent of the book and its contents. This book is for anyone who uses the roads as a motorist, bicyclist, or even as a pedestrian. It’s dangerous out there. Knowing how to protect yourself and your family from the unexpected is essential, and nobody will do it for you.
If you would like a copy of my book, please click here. And if you have more questions about car accidents or anything having to do with personal injury claims, please check out our website or give us a call. We’d love to hear from you.