Tips for safety on and around buses
Both bus riders and people driving around busses can improve each other’s safety by learning some simple, safe habits.
Many people throughout Washington use public transportation, especially in the Seattle Metro area. Busses are a particularly useful and affordable way for folks to get around. Being large and unwieldy, busses require an extra degree of safety protocol beyond what is needed with normal vehicles. This need for safety extends not only to those using the public transit system, but to drivers who are sharing the road with busses. Knowing some of the best safety practices while on or around busses can help people to avoid accidental injury.
Tips for drivers
A general tip for anyone driving any kind of vehicle, but especially around a bus is to be as focused and calm as possible. Distractions like cellphones and food can take a person’s eyes of the road just long enough for him or her to get into a crash. Due to the fact the busses are constantly stopping and have restrictions as to how fast they can turn and accelerate, people should be patient when near them, and avoid making aggressive lane changes.
It takes a lot of space for a bus to complete a turn, so it is important to allow it room to complete any turn being made. The spot directly behind a bus is a blind spot, and it is very dangerous to tailgate one. The converse is also true: it is dangerous to stop too quickly in front of busses, because their longer stopping distances can make collision more likely.
Tips for riders
There are a few things that people can do to make things safer for themselves and everyone else using the bus system. A person who is securing his or her bike to a bus’s front rack should make sure the driver is aware that he or she is there. When getting on or off a bus, people should be aware of any passing cars. It is not safe to cross in front of a bus while it is stopped, as there is a risk of being struck. It is a better idea to wait until after the bus has left to cross. Perhaps the most important thing people can do is to be aware of their surroundings what is going on around them.
Anybody in Washington who has been injured as a result of an accident involving a city bus may be dealing with difficult pain and suffering, as well as an ordeal of medical bills. Those who seek financial restitution for what has happened to them may have an option. An attorney in the local area who practices motor vehicle law may be able to help get someone the money he or she deserves.